
The Right Time by Danielle Steel

Alexandra Winslow, the heroine,  comes with a lot of emotional baggage.  Difficult childhood, genius level of writing skills and  a secret identity. It has been ingrained in her mind that women writers of mystery don't sell so she writes under a pseudonym and shines. Her books are instant bestsellers but her real identity is a well guarded secret, known only to a select few. As she grows in to a confident young woman, her horizons broaden. Her novels get adapted to the big screen and very soon she is leading a double life that is not just complicated to manage but also full of adventures.

For a Danielle Steel novel, this one is pretty good. I remember reading Big Girl, loving the choice of theme but appalled at the way it was written. This one definitely doesn't feel like it is written for a story segment of a school textbook, so that's a relief. Plus the tragedy meter is pretty much in check. 


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